Shipping to worldwide!

Shipping Cost and Delivery Time Package

Your order can be shipped in one of the following ways:

Shipments within Greece



You can pick up your parcel any time you want at one of the BOX NOW Automatic Pickup Machines near your home or work. At the checkout of our eshop you can choose the machine that suits you.

  • For orders worth up to €9.99 the shipping cost is €3.50
  • For orders from €10.00 - €49.99 the shipping cost is €2.50
  • For purchases over €50 shipping is free
  • Delivery 1-2 working days
  • Max. dimensions 60 x 45 x35 cm , max weight 20 kg.


Shipping by courier

The products are shipped throughout Greece with ACS courier.

  • The cost of the shipment is €3.00 (up to 3 kg), each additional kilo is charged +€1.00 (maximum shipment weight up to 20 kg)
  • For purchases over €50 shipping is free
*The volumetric weight of a package is found by calculating the dimensions of the package in centimeters, multiplying the Length by the Width by the Height and dividing the total by 5,000 (L * W * H / 5000 = X Kg). Always calculate weight in whole units and up.


Cash on delivery

COD shipping is done by ACS Courier.
Shipping and payment by cash on delivery (in cash), there is an additional charge of +€2.00

*VAT is included in the above prices.

Pick up from the CDC store

Pick up your order at the checkout of our store. (After contact) You will find us: 44 Adamantiou Korai / Byronas Tk. 16232 / Attica / T. 211 0113137


Shipments to Cyprus


ELTA Greek Post Office

  • The shipping cost starts from 17€ (calculated based on the weight in the basket or at the checkout of our eshop / maximum shipping weight up to 30kg)
  • Delivery 3-10 working days


Shipments to Balkan countries

Turkey / Romania / Bulgaria / North Macedonia / Albania

ELTA Greek Post Office

  • The shipping cost starts from 17€ (calculated based on the weight in the basket or at the checkout of our eshop / maximum shipping weight up to 30kg)
  • Delivery 3-10 working days


Shipments to EPG/Interconnect Countries

Austria / Belgium / France (including Corsica and Monaco) / Germany / Denmark / Switzerland / Estonia / United Kingdom / Ireland / Iceland / Spain (including Balearic Islands and Canary Islands) / Italy / Croatia / Latvia / Lithuania / Luxembourg / Malta / Norway / Netherlands / Hungary / Poland / Portugal (including Azores and Madeira Islands) / Romania / Slovakia / Slovenia / Sweden / Czech Republic / Finland

ELTA Greek Post Office

  • The shipping cost starts from 17€ (calculated based on the weight in the basket or at the checkout of our eshop / maximum shipping weight up to 30kg)
  • Delivery 3-10 working days


Other Countries

ELTA Greek Post Office

  • The shipping cost starts from 18€ (calculated based on the weight in the basket or at the checkout of our eshop / maximum shipping weight up to 30kg)

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